Sunday, December 5, 2004
Horse Pasture Fencing
not understand the world, do not understand myself. I think I'm tired, and possibly I'm sick.
Now, I'm crazy.
A friend gave me some Mary . Do not know how is the English word, but it is not imporante. I do not worry. I just need to clear my mind.
is everything.
Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Scalp And Chest Spots
is more than a month until the entry time of season. Sorry to have given no sign of my life.
These days, I've done a lot and nothing at the same time. I have worked, and I goofing off, and finally, I do not know if it's for the best or the child.
Now I fall in love a guy that I discovered during my vacation in Tucson. He is a friend of my cousins in the final year of high school, and I think the whole time I knew, he was drugged. I'm confused, partly because I thought the girls I fall in love again, and partly because it is not the type that usually interests me. Or, possibly, is exactly the kind that haunts me. At times I think that sex, drugs and rock'n'roll surround my life.
In other important things, I started write again. I have never spent two months with inspiration and hating everything I wrote. It is possible that is why I have not typed in English during this time too - if you can not write English, how can you write in English?
feel my English language is bad because I have not practiced in recent times. Sasa
Monday, November 15, 2004
What Do You Call A Real Estate In Hindi
How are you?
I am writing to tell you that sex for me is not a vice but a way of life and thank you survive day by day and feed me with her beautiful and voluptuous forms, I hope that in reading , that some of their suspicious minds come to me and share this new way of life filled with sex.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
What Happen If I Use Unauthorized Sims 3
Waking view today that the sky was sad about ready to mourn, so I decided to make a good scraped testicles, then felt the blood flowing through my veins and looking to the south of my body I could see a tremendous erection.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
How To Make Phiten Tornado
~ Sorry to have not updated this for many days ... My world is crazy now. My cousin called Zach, is in the hospital because I was in a motorcycle accident of yesterday. His brother, Ben, has healed from his most recent injuries (I was in a motorcycle accident of May). At most, a worker at my school committed suicide, my best friend transferred to another school semester, and I think my head will explode.
My grades in English and Humanities were slightly wrong, and the end of the fourth is next week. Hell Week is this week too. Die. Sasa crying ~ ~ ~ Sasa
Saturday, October 9, 2004
Mastectomy Bras Coventry
Things to do before I die.
- Being fluent in English, English, Japanese, and German.
- Publish a book (or more).
- Playing guitar for a rock band policy.
- Living with no possessions physicalism for a while.
- Create a difference in the world.
- Learn to cook.
- Helping a person.
- Visit the UK, German, France, Spain, Russian, Vietnam, Japan, and a country in South America.
- Understand mana.
... is the end now.
Friday, October 8, 2004
Island Packet 27 For Sale
Hello! My name Sasa. I made this lj because I need to practice my English, and my other newspapers were more for English. But the people whom the legends do not understand English very well, and I use that to solomente English.
feel this entry is not very good ... I get tired and this week has been very laaaaaaaaargo. English is not my first language, but I want to be fluent when I graduate (the second school). At the time I'm in grade 10. This summer, during the middle of June, will go to Spain with a group of students at my school. We will go to Madrid
Denver, and after, take the train (I'm sorry, I think this sentence is wrong) to go south of the country. Visit Seville, Cadiz and continue. We'll stay at La Puerta de Santa Maria - a citadel outside Cadiz - for a week, and students live with English families for all that time. Then visit Barcelona, and complete the trip in Madrid.
I think all of this input is very bad, especially since I do not remember how well future. Please corregame. It is necessary that I have errors, or aprendiré. ~ Sasa
Monday, October 4, 2004
Memorex Boombox With Cd Player
Ombe No, I do not fuck Hipolito Mejia. We're in a very precarious situation, I still can not get a job and nobody else in the house is working either, except my sister who is still on maternity leave.
some 4 days ago, had a ticket for 50 pesos at the front right pocket of his trousers. It seems that removing the key or otherwise, without realizing salted ... oh my mother, I almost look borrowed 7,000 pesos to go to a meeting where a psychologist by the trauma of that shit caused me ...
Thursday, September 9, 2004
Crinkle Skirts Washing Instructions
As you see in the image, and Hurricane Ivan "offers no danger to the territory of the Dominican Republic" (pendeja phrase it that journalists have been caught, eh? ) .
Good that does not affect us because we had a very bitter pill and was experienced moments of terror when the tragedy occurred naturally in Jimaní that killed over a thousand people.
This night is rainy, I just want it to rain a lot but not causing any inconvenience to anyone. Ah, unfortunately died also 4 children ranging from 8 to 17. They were near the Caribbean Sea on the freeway picking up trash and some fish that the waves thrown to the pavement, apparently they went down to the shore and the waves were drowning at 4. That made me very sad because these children came to the death of an innocent so without knowing the consequences they might bring.
least hope that nothing comes pa 'ca in the remainder of hurricane season.
By the way, this hurricane is my namesake .... haha ... My middle name is Ivan ... Greetings to
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Craigslist Wisconsin Vsi
... This I learned after I finish my English course at the University APEC. I'm finishing 7th. level, I lack the 3 subsequent levels of conversation, where I have to put the whip because the level of English that I have is self-taught and how it must be assumed, and you may imagine me Jondi I had my own.
I think it sucks to learn, basically they are only 3 and 1 normal conversation, all lasting three months.
why I study it, should not be so difficult because is very similar to Castilian. You've always liked because it is very nice and sounds like worship. Brazilian novels so I can see and Jondi to E! Brazil with guto Entertainment! (Not counting that I will be trilingual ) ... hahha
Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Does It Cost To Take An Ohio Driver's Test
Much has happened since May 20 since the last time I wrote in my livejournal ...
things have gone bad and good. Others who have helped me and others who unfortunately have made my inner cloud of noble thoughts that glide to wake up in the very simple reality.
Shanika Mell , came to earth and then, shortly, he left. He died a few hours after the Taino, my sister, gave birth after a heart stop for respiratory problems. We are sooo wrong, as they imagine, because we were expecting this baby with love. That filled me with sadness for many days, and few left aqún waste ...
I returned to college after several semesters of inactivity. And though I could not select many subjects (defécome in my work) I'm there rebooting. With respect to many plans that are good, hopefully and God grant that I d &eecute; n.
The work got in May 1913, I lost ... I was told it was because the Department processes the company decided to eliminate my job, and no longer needed. I did not get any response attached, just decided to give me away pa ...
Many other things have happened in all these months. Despite everything that happened, 'm still here ... firm will continue forward. Sober and resolute. Determined and believing that everything is governed by the magnificent power that moves the world: God .
Well, I leave with the layout I had when I started this livejournal. I never ceased to please, so put it back because I'm starting again ...
Thursday, May 20, 2004
John Deere Trailfire Snowmobile
.... This rainy afternoon I'm sitting here. Regretting my past, or rather, one part. I feel bad again, like a human who makes mistakes and autoanalyzer your inner person.
Here I am angry for not having advanced in college, to give priority to damn job. Believing that a job "good" as that was would help me in college, although I know that I could not go further for reasons beyond my control. But whatever, the whole weight of it in some way or another falls on myself, regardless of the situations that happen to me.
This afternoon it rained a lot. I asked for a permission, I wet my whole leaving at 3:00 pm my new job as I dirigíaa find a record of notes for my re-entry to college after almost two years of inactivity fool. I walked a lot in the rain. I was thinking and thinking, drawing my plan for my future travel once again. Yes, a reentry Since lost by the recent quarter damn job. The work has taken me around the desire to study, I have prevented progress in different ways with that duty.
When delivered to hump me (because the rain arrived 10 minutes later, I closed the window on the face of record), I stood watching the rain and I was punched inmates, several cuts and hurting mentally. There I was, looking in every drop down out of heaven all the days lost due to give everything to damn job. I looked at my failure embodied in the paper, I saw that nothing had been done and worse, I did not deserve. And no, not exaggerating, is that I left school in late 2000 and is a personal goal to study in college. It has been almost 4 and I still feel that I have not done anything.
My best friend, Kenlly, graduated with me in 2000. He is much more advanced than me. And I have not done anything. Other classmates are like him, and I have not done anything. Guillermina my girlfriend came out after me, and I failed to act. My sister went Taina after me, and I failed to act. My cousin Albert came after me, and I failed to act. Some colleagues in my previous job came after me, and I failed to act. I've seen out of the school where he was a student many promotions, exactly three, and meanwhile, I have not done anything.
Everyone has gone forward, some have worked and some not, some have an easier time and money than me, but have gone ahead and done something have . Meanwhile, I have not done anything. I have met many people who have come after me and have cuchucientos thousand loans made University, and I have not done anything.
I feel bad, I'll take measures that will make me feel much more responsible for university status trunk I have. If not for the embarrassment I have of myself, I would comment about my exact level in college. But no, I will not. I will take an effort to make my way, I will feel that you have to do and that sometimes "life " it takes me to do.
But ta 'good happens to me somehow.
As the song says Franco Vita: "All because the damn job, and time ..."
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I Have Blood In My Phlegm What Does This Mean?
Finally ..
Siiiiii ... I'm super happy, I was offered a job today and start tomorrow Thursday 13 May ... The company graceful (or otherwise ... hehhe) is Palic Insurance Company, SA, a company of Grupo BHD, and tomorrow we finish with all the ties of place after nearly 5 months of unemployment ...
Diogenes thank you got what you wanted for so many months ... thanksss! I have my new job stack pa!
Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Allgingerbread Men Cookie Recipe
Anxiety. That word describes my recent days ... Describe the concerns I feel about the future, tells my days for a short time, details insecurity in my immediate economic welfare, portrays the unknown and has not come into my life ...
Sometimes I recontra-attacks and attack me. Strike down inside me and hit my estíritu. Sometimes I feel that makes me sink, despite the maneuvers that attempt to get rid of myself and my disappointments ...
Sometimes invades and enters without permission, without intending to, without my consent procedure. I try to eject, which undesirable and evil villain. Sometimes it comes and I get used, sometimes, I feel I can not do anything. And sometimes, it kills me slowly, but leaving a glimmer of hope and pieces of dreams.
Today I feel very anxious. Today, my soul cries, you feel run down for no apparent reason, no nothing to explain its sensibility ...
hope in God and in me to continue learning to live together and deal with my complaints and needs. Thank God for giving me strength and support, you never disappoint me ...
Monday, April 26, 2004
Pokemon Ds Players In Cedartown Ga
Last night at 7:30 pm, there was a vigil in front National Congress, to monitor the protest campaign, "I'm 1 +" , program is your version? .
Many young people flocked to the scene with candles lit as a sign of rejection of the measure taken by the Senate to "exclude" a part of the ecological areas protected by law .
Good thing that the public supported the activity program. I'm sure they will do so. Today at 10:00 am. be repeated in the same place. I hope that people take consciousness with the case, as many signatures have been collected and has been shown that the action of Congress is somewhat unwelcome ...
For more information about this fucking mess, go to the site of Parque Nacional del Este .
To go nonstop, delen click here .
Friday, April 23, 2004
Live Stream - Paris Kennedy
If you think you are a lover of nature and your beautiful country, Dominican Republic, then you go to and put your electronic signature to support this cause, in favor of NO removal of these natural reserve areas in national parks and so does not endanger the flora and fauna of the island.
campaign is a naturalist called "I'm 1 +" , conducted by the radio program What is your version? , which is transmitted by FM X102, rejecting the amendment to the bill that protects natural areas protected for many years.
me explain: apparently want to steal a part of protected areas to destine to NOT THAT hell, and changed the law to protect these areas so valuable to our country, so you can pick what they come out of balls. Heck, I Cagua in the chamber.
So if you want to partake, collaborate and enters and fills the mini-form. We can not let a group of gut and that keep the country until the last leaf.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Mouthwash Piano Notes
This Thursday 22 starts the 7th. International Book Fair, with the Guest of Honor country Puerto Rico, and this time the prize honoring Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971, the Chilean writer Pablo Neruda .
I never miss this great event is a great opportunity to get closer to the culture of a well cool and fun. Are always many people and put together a good atmosphere, according to figures provided by the Commission for the Book Fair in the official show site ( ) in last year there were a total of 1,225,000 visitors, and sales figures exceeded $ 2 million ... Ofrécome, the room!
try to go as fast as possible to go and get my schedule of events, to take advantage of good talks and pods you can give. I've had very good shows and other pendejaces, and above all, free.
Oh, and do not go to lose "embojotá" that will give David and Goliath on the play Guloya Theatre, "David and Goliath" (forgive the rimbumbancia, says Freddy Beras-Goico). Will be presented on April 30 at 8:30 pm in Las Cuevas de Santa Ana, and of course in the program book fair. There
e. .. cannon! And it's free, pal 'who complains. I'll be out there, I'm one of those who desaparta in the work ... hahhaha .... (Chiaaa, how I've gotten jablador)
Sunday, April 18, 2004
How Many Units In A Bottle Of Jack Daniels
days ago since I wrote here, I've been very "embullao" for weeks and I've got a little "lazy" pa veni here to the client. I have a stomach ache from Friday at 2:00 pm, a fucking unstoppable pain. I have not caught pal doctor because it's weekend, and because on Friday I did not pay much attention because I do not want to be so afflicted with pain. I've always said I have to go to the doctor when feel something, what happens is that I like to feel attached to a pain and just not give it much mind. Unless something is no longer "really" warrants, no voy pa 'avocado. I try to control all my "pain" for myself, if my chances are in ease of control.
I've also been going to the Olympic pool with my cousin Tony, I learned to swim a little. Every day I learn faster and better. I'm only going two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 11am but I always stay with him until about 12:30 pm. I see now float in the form of "Medusa" without giving me my drink and 'water, floated as if riding (though it wears me looooong legs, because it is very strong), control of breathing under water, I throw open my head and eyes and to 'the fool .... Even
hehhehe, I believe that my pain came from the stomach contraction to take much air to swim ... yes, I think sip. Nor I had breakfast that day, thought it was the most convenient, but no, turns out to be the opposite. I had to eat something, even minor. Pa 'the next does not happen, say "guerrra advised not kill soldier ... hehehe ....
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Ohio Late Fee License
a day like today, deep in the guts of two men born a great idea, that on this special day meets no more and no less than 2 years of life : .
I personally wish the team of pre-urban congratulations, both for their anniversary and for its excellent work, I'm pretext News Correspondent and has been my honor to be part of this tremendous sense own quackery (I say in the best sense of the word).
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Rose Hips Oil And Acne Scars
Friday, April 9, 2004
Consequences After Cervical Polyp Removal
His message was very nice, I liked the mission of this great teacher came to give. No doubt he was the teacher grander than the planet has been .
My conception of Christ is very different from many people, and may be somewhat contradictory in terms of generality that knows the story of Jesus of Nazareth . Do not tell much, but possibly in another type in this livejournal entry.
Meanwhile, I keep thinking a bit, and redefining'll think about that great event for mankind, as was the coming of the Son of God into this world.
Peace be are we, sir ...
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Vodafone Hull Reception
Mi evolución está avanzada, y seguirá creciendo... eso me hace sentir el ser mas afortunado del planeta. Me gusta sentirme asi, es necesario y esencial sentirse con tanta confianza en sí mismo, sin importar lo que viene o lo que no viene. Sea malo o bueno, rápido o lento, hoy o mañana, "mesimpolta" ...
Estoy confiado en mi, cada vez me hago más fuerte, cada vez más me convenzo acerca del mundo en que vivo y el ambiente que me rodea, aprovecho todo lo que me sucede y aprendo hasta con lo más insignificante que ocurre.
Todo tiene value to me, everything counts ... All matter, all I hear, all I find good things. I see beyond the normal. Everything beyond this world, even though sometimes I feel that it contradicts itself. Everything takes place in an optimal way ... and I'm above the sky.
'm on top of myself, I feel great with me and everything. I can not complain, and best of all is that many good things waiting for me, much better than I deserved, I just need time and way to go.
Monday, April 5, 2004
5.1.0 - Unknown Address Error Consider Spam
I think it will change the layout ... I'm tired of this. Not cool in my view. Look at this animation