Thursday, September 9, 2004

Crinkle Skirts Washing Instructions

"E 'pa out that IVAN!"

As you see in the image, and Hurricane Ivan "offers no danger to the territory of the Dominican Republic" (pendeja phrase it that journalists have been caught, eh? ) .

Good that does not affect us because we had a very bitter pill and was experienced moments of terror when the tragedy occurred naturally in Jimaní that killed over a thousand people.

This night is rainy, I just want it to rain a lot but not causing any inconvenience to anyone. Ah, unfortunately died also 4 children ranging from 8 to 17. They were near the Caribbean Sea on the freeway picking up trash and some fish that the waves thrown to the pavement, apparently they went down to the shore and the waves were drowning at 4. That made me very sad because these children came to the death of an innocent so without knowing the consequences they might bring.

least hope that nothing comes pa 'ca in the remainder of hurricane season.

By the way, this hurricane is my namesake .... haha ... My middle name is Ivan ... Greetings to


Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Craigslist Wisconsin Vsi

· Portuguese?

... This I learned after I finish my English course at the University APEC. I'm finishing 7th. level, I lack the 3 subsequent levels of conversation, where I have to put the whip because the level of English that I have is self-taught and how it must be assumed, and you may imagine me Jondi I had my own.
I think it sucks to learn, basically they are only 3 and 1 normal conversation, all lasting three months.

why I study it, should not be so difficult because is very similar to Castilian. You've always liked because it is very nice and sounds like worship. Brazilian novels so I can see and Jondi to E! Brazil with guto Entertainment! (Not counting that I will be trilingual ) ... hahha

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Does It Cost To Take An Ohio Driver's Test

Step up to the play ...

Much has happened since May 20 since the last time I wrote in my livejournal ...

things have gone bad and good. Others who have helped me and others who unfortunately have made my inner cloud of noble thoughts that glide to wake up in the very simple reality.

Shanika Mell , came to earth and then, shortly, he left. He died a few hours after the Taino, my sister, gave birth after a heart stop for respiratory problems. We are sooo wrong, as they imagine, because we were expecting this baby with love. That filled me with sadness for many days, and few left aqún waste ...

I returned to college after several semesters of inactivity. And though I could not select many subjects (defécome in my work) I'm there rebooting. With respect to many plans that are good, hopefully and God grant that I d &eecute; n.

The work got in May 1913, I lost ... I was told it was because the Department processes the company decided to eliminate my job, and no longer needed. I did not get any response attached, just decided to give me away pa ...

Many other things have happened in all these months. Despite everything that happened, 'm still here ... firm will continue forward. Sober and resolute. Determined and believing that everything is governed by the magnificent power that moves the world: God .

Well, I leave with the layout I had when I started this livejournal. I never ceased to please, so put it back because I'm starting again ...

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