From now and forever Only Friends: D
Feel free to comment here if you want to add: 3
*** My tastes in general are: Artistic illustration (traditional is my favorite: 3), the world ; dolls (BJD, Blythe, vintage and all kinds), coffee and shojo manga, Sailor Moon! NDS, metal and others j-music, if you think we share similar tastes and I'll add comments
Bye neeeeeee
.*** 100% English!
Me, sorry not
by poupeegirl This is my Sweetie had lost I could not find contraseñay XD XD Well here it is, I admit that I was about to buy clothes ribbons to take up I alert and I did not, thank goodness because I know people that has done so like to buy stuff to Pet Society> _>, which I think is silly but well, there XD.
Friends Only Entries are / The Entries Are :
Friends Only
This is a "Friends Only " That means tickets will be blocked only to Friends. If you want to read, simply add me as a "Friend" and leave a comment this entry.
would be great if you comment how you came to my Journal and something you want to say about you. To add people, I would like to know more about them ^. ^.
To learn more about me, do not hesitate to give you a look at my profile ^. ^
What you will find in this Journal?. Basically: fangirl, Tokusatsu, some JE, news / info, the occasional personal note and I can think to write xD. The material that you upload, will also be "Friends Only".
I love meeting new people, so feel free to add me as a "Friend" if you want to share ideas and others =).
* Important : If you add me as "Friend" you must agree not to re-publish what is written here or the material shared on other sites. And at least we have some other interest in common that ^ - ^ #
my Journal entries above were moved here n_n.
# are to ensure that mis Entradas , dejé un comentario con la cuenta de donde saqué cada Post .
This is a Lj "Friends Only"
To be Added, join to my Lj (add me as "Friend") and leave a Comment to this Entry . You can to say how you arrived to my Journal and more things about you ^.^
To know more about me, visit my Profile ^-^
What you'll find in this Journal?. Basically: Fangirlism, Tokusatsu, some JE-related, news / info, any personal notes and what I want to write xD. The stuff that I upload is "Friends Only", too .
I really like to know new people, so do not hesitate to add me as a "Friend" if you want to share ideas and more =) .
* Important : If add me as "Friend", You agree not to republish the material written or shared here on other sites. And at least we must have some interest in common ^-^
# The entries of my previous Journal were moved here . # To ensure that these are my entries , I leave a comment with the account from which I took every Post . Izumi IXA .