Today was a strange day I look to see that you were x night and I found my heart filled with joy to read you and spend hours talking but nice things were changing and I was changing, just a fight with your brother and you lost, were there and I did not see you today I noticed the pain cause I want q to be with you and no power, want to give me and do not, want you to feel supported and loved but I can not reach you I'm only small letters behind a screen to several hundreds of km of you.
Today more than ever I felt the distance, I felt the helplessness I felt that I lost.
And I went on my hands I do not followed it could hold her and she again took care of you and I stood here waiting, waiting and asking that nothing will happen. You do not know what
I feel at the time, not give you an idea how much I care, as I would like to save you, to see you smile, to give me, as I found out I really gustarÃaq facing here I am and not leave you ;.
Many years have passed since I met and spent so many years you will not lose kiero ani, I'd like you felt the same x and q could fight me, to dream a little as I do, xq those dreams make me feel alive aunq be silly to believe in something makes me go and if I dream to be one of these days at your side q I have not lose hope to keep fighting and do this so much wish come true.
Today I felt helpless, I felt that far was I felt that my hands could not reach you, as I will not stop after that fight, I could not help when you felt worse q could not be there, do not could embrace to have felt no such pain or help you with what you need, anything I could not helpless I felt, no tears calleron you imagine for my cheeks and I could not stop, that I feel helpless right now terrible impotence x be just letters on a PC screen.
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