Title: Believe: Naruto / Hinata Manifesto
Spoilers: Chapters 245-448
Translations in English: Narutero-54 ( NarutoUchiha )
+. + Chapter 282: Reunited after 2 NA ; and a half years +. +
After Break Time, Hinata reappears in Chapter 282. Naruto returns to the village after rescue Gaara. Now he's looking for team members to his next mission. He meets Shino and Kiba. Then he feels a strange presence that not be other than Hinata, hiding behind a wall.
Apparently she has something to say to Naruto, but is not able to do so. The words she used refer to mentally prepare. "Prepare yourself mentally = Talk? She tells herself:
" heard he was back but ... What should I do? I'm not ready yet ... I have not seen for three years ... What should I say? ... Um ... um [ "What could Naruto want to tell her that is so hard to say? Would you tell her you admire? No. .. that can not be, because it already has. He said in many different forms in Chapter 98 in training camp before the battle of Neji from Naruto. Basically, she already "faced" (left to hide) and confessed feelings of admiration, there, by the First Party. Could it say something more personal? Do you have feelings beyond the admiration? His heart was beating fast ...
Then, surprisingly Naruto appears in front of her, causing her fainting.
Now, a personal interpretation of the reason for his collapse. Personally, I think she fainted from the shock produced by the sudden appearance of Naruto. Passed three years, after all. Also, I think that the chapter had a purpose, to show that Kishimoto had not forgotten the Team 8 as Hinata's feelings.
At the end of the chapter, Shino makes a comment about recognizing Naruto Hinata immediately. " Naruto, Hinata immediately recognized also ." I would say that this is a comparison of the Chunnin Reviews Naruto, that not even noticed their presence, the current Naruto.
So Hinata fainted. Big deal. That does not mean she can not change. She did, after all, thanks to his desire to excel. Has not shown much after two and a half years, most remain far from the series ends. As Kishimoto said, " There are still many things to be resolved in Naruto." Hinata's feelings may be one of them.
I think in that situation, Hinata was not ready to confess.
+. + Chapter 354-355: "Let's do the best we can" +. +
This Saga is the search for Itachi. Equipment was needed to match the tracking of Naruto. And what better team than Team 8? We see that Naruto is thrilled to start the mission as soon as possible. We, too, Hinata near him, along with other team members. You can see that she looks at him with an expression of concern.
Team moves, and Kakashi proposes split into groups of at least two. So Naruto and Hinata together with Yamato, are placed on the same team. If you notice, Kakashi says aloud that Naruto is a Jinchuriiki. We see no reaction from Hinata, but a " Whatever our best, Naruto-Kun ", then, looks at her and replied smiling " Secure! . "
Hinata blushes a bit, however, is not nothing like your usual blush. This is proof of the change process. Hinata, in Part One, he would have blushed deeply. Compared to the Written Test of the First Party, where they have exactly the same conversation. Just look at the evidence. Hinata is not only able to look at the face of Naruto in Chapter 355, but Naruto tells him in a natural and happy. Surely he's noticed.
not see much of the equipment, then, and there is little interaction between Naruto and Hinata. However, one could say "Kishimoto wanted to remind the feelings of Hinata and Naruto that note a lot more than before." He clearly shows that the couple has not been forgotten.
The small moments are what count most. Chapter 357, Hinata activated her Byakugan to see what happened with the transformation of Kabuto. Naruto does not waste time, and he rushes to attack. The blond think you have to Kabuto, but is wrong. Thanks to Hinata, he realizes that Kabuto is behind him. This is a small example of how the team works together NaruHina.
Chapter 371, Kishimoto Hinata shows on a panel with major Naruto characters , when he meets Sasuke.
+. + Chapter 383: "Please, that's right," +. +
During the mission, the team meets Tobi.
not long before Naruto attacks him, after all, no time to lose. They should continue their search for Sasuke. When Naruto falls into the water, we see a cartoon with the reaction of Hinata. In a worried voice, she yells " Naruto-Kun! . "
Sakura tells her not to worry, because they need more than that to defeat Naruto. That will give comfort to Hinata a bit, however, concern was still there. People often say that, how Hinata is very concerned about it, did not have faith. Opinions are opinions. But the real reason, it hurts those who hurt, not that he lacks faith in him. Just because Hinata wants to help, you do not believe in it? not need show that Hinata does believe in him, because clearly, she always believed in him, and his willingness to never give up, since the beginning of the series. There is a lack of faith. They desire to protect , two entirely different things.
Talking about his ability to get back up, that's exactly what you see acontinuación. Naruto out of the water, with the same look on his face decision. As it stands, Hinata let out a "Naruto-Kun [", looking up close.
it is not concerned Tando by someone, even by the enemy, Tobi. Everything Hinata said then was a " Thank God ... "while Tobi Naruto decíaa who did not wish to lose time.
+. + Chapter 434: Just about to intervene. + + +
Then, we find the Saga of Pain. The Leader of Akatsuki ambisión him to destroy Konoha, and Naruto cause pain. A Hyuuga called Koh is put in charge of caring for Hinata, and to ensure that nothing happens to it. (Otherwise, Hiashi is furious.)
Naruto is fighting against Pain, and is at risk. Hinata is in the distance, watching the match, along with others. As the battle goes on, Hinata is shown darker and worried about Naruto. She Naruto tries to help , but the words of Koh stop her. She would only be a burden.
Again, this is not lack of faith. Is the need to protect it. Now the question is ... Can Intervene Hinata?
disobey Should Koh and help Naruto, so that, Kishi shows how much we improved? Or should he stand aside, watching Naruto is hurt?.
If she intervenes, not just desobedeceríaa Koh, but there will probably be a burden on Naruto. The reason I did not intervene, it is because she knew should not intervene. More does not guarantee that they will not try again. Hinata
bites his lower lip. Not much to say about that. Self-explanatory only. I would like to say how what Kishi said. Showing how she really wanted to help Naruto, but I knew it would be better not interfere.
+. + Chapter 437: Confession +. +
Naruto still feel attacked. Hinata still watching, worried, as always. We see it watching Naruto and holding one hand on his heart.
Torture continues. Just before which would mean the final blow, Hinata appears surprisingly between Naruto and Pain. Koh yells, but she simply ignores it.
The once was timid and fearful, now looks determinacióny force. " not let you put another finger on Naruto!" Shouts a Pain. Naruto's face is becoming more serious, as he tells that fence, had no chance.
Then, Hinata said why is there, standing in front of him. She's there because he wants to be. It feels like "selfish" . But was it really being selfish? "Risking your life for the person you love? Or was selfish because she knew she should not interfere, but I could not see his love was hurt?
A flashback shows a young Hinata. " I was always crying and I was by defeated. " That was what she used to be, although looking at the small container of Kyuubi. Admiring it from afar, until he could gain confidence to help . Naruto's smile was what saved Hinata. So, is not afraid to die protecting . also take note of how Kishimoto emphasizes the face and eyes from Naruto. Yes ... your eyes say it all.
The reason she is doing this is simple. Because loves . Naruto's eyes are opened more and more in what she says these words. Unfortunately, it is folded and left at death's door .
Hinata What did realmetne hit Naruto. Seeing how she was attacked in front of your eyes. Pain says "Love brings sacrifices, which also leads to hate . The scene relates to the scene of the murder of his parents in front of him. It is safe to say that Naruto thinks Hinata is dead, that what angers y lo hace transformar en el Kyubi de 6 Colas .
+.+Capítulo 438: ¡Viva!+.+
El capítulo empieza con Sakura notando un curioso Chackra. Un Hyuga afirma que Hinata trató de salvar a Naruto . Sakura no podia creerlo.
Kyuubi 6 Colas ataca a Pain con todo de sí . Se puede notar que se están alejando Hinata. see a little of it . Even when you are bleeding and dying, she cares about Naruto. That's all in what she thinks. She puts him over her.
The scene changes to other equipment, where they are informed that Hinata Pain attacked, and was the cause of the current state of blonde.
is a relief to see Hinata alive. Sakura says they have to rescue and evacuate Hinata villa. Naruto atacaríaa anyone, enemy or friend.
+. + Chapter 441: Tears of relief. + + +
Naruto returned to normal. He looks around, to notice to the village in ruins . Remembering what happened, specifically recalls the Hinata state, and he worries about .
Wondering what happened, he says, " No. .. do not tell me ... Hinata ... villagers ... ". The boy placed one hand on his chest and squeezed. So, I reported that all is well. Naruto repeats " Thank God, Thank God " in his mind, covering his eyes. tears run his cheeks, and the scene changes immediately to Hinata, muttering a " Naruto-Kun ... " . Again, it's all in what she thinks.
Gai Team arrives on the scene. TenTen Pain reports did not give him vital points, and that his wounds were not fatal . Neji tries to locate a Medical Ninja. Naruto
dry your eyes, and prepare for their final meeting.
And said there was no NaruHina in Part II?
437 Opinion
The cover shows Hinata, Shino Naruto y. ..? Well, mainly focuses on Hinata. The title says it all, "Confession." Left
" not want to lose, it feels so close to me. I always felt thus "\u0026lt;- This is how he really felt. Hinata
speaking: Then she decided to disobey orders after all. That's fine. She wanted to protect something he loved, even if that meant he would lose his life. She knew it was not strong enough. Naruto gave a brief explanation of why there would not flee. Perhaps they meant to distract Naruto Pain.
Hinata's confession: "Watashi Wa, Naruto-Kun ga Daisuki dakara ..." Daisuki
= Love is not a bad translation. No one can contradict this. The Databook confirmed that Hinata is in love with the blond. They can not discuss it, a confession out of his mouth.
" I wanted to be with you " \u0026lt;- Now this is powerful. This may mean that she wants to be with him as a lover / girlfriend, or simply because you love. She wanted to walk with him.
Oh, and the best part. When she says " For me, I love you ", no embarrassment, just determination. Have you noticed? She really improved.
taking 6 Tails Naruto: The first time we see him as well. And all for Hinata. He is angry not only because her friend was "killed" in front of their eyes, but because that true friend confessed his love for him before. Do not you think that what struck ? Especially since no one ever had confessed earlier. Would
Naruto put in the same way if it had been anyone else? Possibly. But Kishimoto to not use any other, used to Hinata.
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