Friday, October 8, 2004

Island Packet 27 For Sale

My diary again ... The first entry

Hello! My name Sasa. I made this lj because I need to practice my English, and my other newspapers were more for English. But the people whom the legends do not understand English very well, and I use that to solomente English.

feel this entry is not very good ... I get tired and this week has been very laaaaaaaaargo. English is not my first language, but I want to be fluent when I graduate (the second school). At the time I'm in grade 10. This summer, during the middle of June, will go to Spain with a group of students at my school. We will go to Madrid

Denver, and after, take the train (I'm sorry, I think this sentence is wrong) to go south of the country. Visit Seville, Cadiz and continue. We'll stay at La Puerta de Santa Maria - a citadel outside Cadiz - for a week, and students live with English families for all that time. Then visit Barcelona, and complete the trip in Madrid.

I think all of this input is very bad, especially since I do not remember how well future. Please corregame. It is necessary that I have errors, or aprendiré. ~ Sasa


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