Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Encouraging Phrases In Spanish

Chapters cover

Author: Darkhope (Naruto Fan)
Translation: uchiha96 (Naruto Uchiha)

Now I do not believe in "no cover means nothing. " Kishimoto is the one who writes the manga and drawing the covers. His is also writing the text next to it.

The irony is that the cover of this chapter came just after Sakura.

The Sakura on the cover 208 is referíaa Sasuke and how it is "far." Meanwhile, the deck is obviously referring to Hinata Naruto, and how he is also "far" from it. (On going on the road to 3 years with Jiraiya after all). And of course the reference to time.

"Guided by a golden light, now she walks toward the sun."
"golden light" is an indirect reference to Naruto, he is your guide. Which is helping her change.
is that his name means (the Hinata) sunlight, sunny or into the sun (can be interpreted in these ways), but is this just a coincidence? maybe yes or maybe not. But think about this. Has there ever been a match in a manga? Something like this? Not that I recall.
There is also another thing to add to this last cover. If you look at the cover of chapter 247.

Naruto is looking at the sky. Exactly 50 chapters later, the cover 297 is of Hinata, the phrase not only cover makes an indirect reference Hinata Naruto, but also drawing, she is also looking at the sky the same way / in the same position as Naturo.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Author: Darkhope (Naruto Fan)
Translation: uchiha96 (Naruto Uchiha)


Yes, it's a love story. koimonogatari mean that literally.
Key words and phrases: hesitating up and down
love story
Although she likes [suki *] Naruto, Hinata can not seem to make any progress. However, sometimes you can see their way up the courage to make an "attack." Because that's his nindou.
The reason Hinata Naruto fall in love with the poor student is clear. She wants to be him (...).
(...) she does not lose his kindness because the existence of Naruto in his mind.
The quiet and shy Hinata is paralyzed and can not do anything in front of those who like Naruto. Always thinking about how to change that part of herself.

- Hinata has the desire to change herself, not only for herself but because he wants to deal with Naruto without stuttering around.
- She tries as hard as he can to "collect" an "attack."
- Hinata is confirmed that this [b] love [/ b] of Naruto, and the reason is obvious.

Suki: sympathy, love, love

addition to the use of "suki", also said he "fell in love" [Koi wo suru] in the part the which stated the obvious reason of his infatuation.
"love story", "Fall in Love", "Naruto and herself," "I Like" [Suki]: and this is NOT a translation error. It is completely accurate.


key words and phrases: (...) she wants to move them one step closer to the back of Naruto. To whom she yearns. Hinata

always has the same feeling for Naruto. Will a day that may confront him directly?

"rhetorical question?

The interpretation is for the most part of the reader. But Hinata's confession has been foreshadowed in both databooks, and Chapter 282. Its theme is the change in herself, and one of his "evidence" would be to address directly Naruto. Why should I confess? It is because he lacks confidence about Naruto because of her feelings for him. Its theme claims that she believes in herself at the end of manga. She wants to change that part of herself. One way is through their feelings or confront them directly. Judging by the 282 is obvious that she still has those feelings and that the theme has not been completed.

was afraid to see him. She fainted when facing him. "Hinata always feel the same ..." \u0026lt;- Hinata always feeling feelings of concern / love for Naruto.
is time ... "\u0026lt;- Is it capable of dealing with him, even with fears of being rejected?
Note that the images of the chapter 238 kishi uses them to show the feelings you have.

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Naruto love Hinata? Contact

Title: Naruto love Hinata?
Author: Romance_girl (Sweet Emotion)

437 +

What makes you think that Naruto is in love with Hinata?
I know it must be fed up with the same question, but I'd really like to hear from you as fans.

= 3 Well I think it's the first time I have to answer the question
xDDD Well, enough of jokes, seriously ...

one thing for someone like you (anyway), another thing is he's in love, and, finally, to love such a being.

I think that Hinata likes Naruto, and not the famous "I like people like you" does not indicate that its significance is that really like it more than a friend. I thought that "it like it is based on who is really Hinata, and in many different ways, why? because during the course of examinations Chunnin, Hinata showed various parts of his personality. The kind, gentle and willing to help when he said he could copy your exam, showing that she cared for him, he did not want to leave. The concern was for him to give healing ointment to heal his wounds, not wanting to suffer the pain that caused him (and Naruto is distressed, because it is rare for someone to demonstrate some positive feeling toward him, so thank you, and when he turns his back, is flushed, with a chuckle, scratching his head). I determined to never give up, to go forward, fight until you no longer have strength to get up, when he fought Neji: Naruto here saw himself reflected in it, because he heard the words of Neji, how Hinata felt without strength, without the ability to achieve its goals, how bad it was to be a ninja, and then she screamed he wanted to be someone else, but the following words Neji was so cruel that caused the tears of the Hyuuga, so Naruto had had enough, defended and encouraged, because each expressed frustration Neji's lips, he had suffered; Naruto saw Hinata's body, his pain, being rejected, treated like dirt, and trying get something without the slightest result. Finally, again in training camp 7, shows that she is not like other people, while living with what they see or berrinchudo Naruto or useless, Hinata describe its capabilities, we says everything you see in him the inspiration he gives because he is strong because he never gives up, because despite all, remains there, without letting him down anything and, again, what happens? Naruto blushes because they're used to that people treat you that way. Throughout this process, Hinata is not the "weird girl" Naruto thought she was, she taught that it was much more than a submissive voiceless, showed that for her, and , l is one, and were in many ways. It is likely that Naruto may "like" someone like Hinata because she is kind, is gentle, kind, preocupona, determined thanks to him and not just a facade is installed incorrectly, she is able to contemplate things beyond appearances, what the highlights of many people. These are characteristics that easily delighted to anyone who wants honey xD , and Naruto has been difficult to meet people like her, because he was always surrounded by hatred and contempt, and that someone " not supposed to know too much of it "can behave in all these ways with him without ever showing a single gram of hypocrisy, it must mean much. But something that always intrigued me, and I eat away the soul, is that when he said "I like people like you", did not give the face, like when she had given healing ointment, and what had happened that time? precise, it was flushed, so you would have paid a fortune to see Naruto's face on this occasion, and was nervous, with a smile, or whatever, I can certify her blush, because for me , would be the most obvious, but not having seen his expression never know what was what he felt at the time he confessed these words, proque cuadno you admit something that costs you because you feel sorry, you accelerate corazóny obvious, until you can shake the voice to do it face to face, but Naruto still teine as "maintaining air that rascal boy, Hinata decides not to show his expression because like him and would imagine, would denote more than they should, and that is something that can not be permit, because he is still surprised that someone exposed him that way, because she was the first person who told him what I really thought about himself, leaving the facade of "hard" aside.

love her as friend, but of course, not because nothing has defended the blood oath was a covenant which he never wanted to break, always falling to Neji, it was said "I can not lose here "because she was struggling, so she had suffered through his own cousin, and defeat would be a rematch, revenge, winning in his name, and cuadno finally defeats him, that "Where is Hinata? Will I be seeing? "Shows that she always thought, from the day of promise to the culmination of it, and it was all for it. For details of the manga, it goes without saying that, all fans have or might have already talked about the 437, so it happened, because, I guess, "Naruto's feelings should be just before any thing ", because no change of opinion just because you felt like it.

Now, being in love with her ... and may like, you could fall in love for the same reasons I described it Hinata, but knowing exactly what I feel Naruto, because no idea, if I were in his head, I say it, but as no ...

Now, as I say, man is a masochist, because someone you have you declared your love, you are treated as a pariah, and you just like you're still stuck there, waiting for "ma magically "change your mind. _. (Obviously, I talk about Naruto and Sakura) Naruto should shift from that and "look beyond" because a long, long time, things are too obvious for it to do the blind and deaf, because not knowing what Hinata feels ... One thing is that he feels the same, ok, I understand, but do not warrant that even if the protagonist (main character and all, by law, is clueless), do not realize if you want a single detail ! apart from that never failed to look at Hinata (and when he found out, she turned her head to "hide", lol), only stammer in his presence and if it hayaba, blush ... coye, I believe the most perfect statement was this:

is, not by either the heart makes you a madman unleashed! assumes that the sentimietno causes that person you must be very strong, and no, Naruto is not loaded and think it's silly fear (as when they were younger ones and children were leaving é l) because at some point in that conversation, Hinata is giving a description of who he is for it (and everything he says is good, not for anything he blushes, ne?).

Unfortunately for fans, it took three long years before they turned to see (though it was the same with all xD), and nobody knows what he was thinking for so long Naruto (apart from Sasuke, of course xD), but to ask Hinata "Why do you faint?" shows that the naive still do not know what she feels for him \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;although does not mean he has no other feelings for her, just as provided, nor is there time to gather the two of them in missions or whatever, because the plot is not enough, because Kishimoto does not want to or because they simply do not have the sharingan, no matter how much the team reelevancia 8 in other missions, etc. .. auqnue well, Naruto knows that during all this time, Hinata is not "made to lose", which means in other words, remains the same sweet girl, nice, polite, submissive and always preocupona.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Burning Feet Nerve Damage

bakkarat @ 2011-01-14T12: 18:00

The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love
                                                                                                                         William Sloan Coffin

Monday, January 10, 2011

Probleme Telechargement Wedding Dance Mount&blade

DABA Daisuke Ono 10-January-2011

Awwn ... I wanted to translate (in this case interpreted with the help of dictionaries and Google and Yahoo Translator) that comments on the blog Onoda share DABA.

Well to start DABA is a group of voice actors (such as STAM) but the only factor that unites them is that they all were born in 1978. For the Chinese zodiac that is the year of the horse. DABA is written in kanji " 駄 马" and means "horse load "or" horse ", many times you can see bringing a horse's head. DABA has a blog where they often communicate with each other. Unfortunately no photos: (, you can not see them use their real names, so they use nicknames

= Masashi Ono Daisuke

Jun Fukuyama = Pinhane (or Pane)

Satoshi Hino = Oyakata

Hisayoshi Suganuma = Hachimitsu

Shinnosuke Tachibana

= Namahage (or Page)

Junji Majima = Samson

Takayuki Kondo = Fondovo

Masashi Here what he wrote today (yesterday there [? ])

January 10, 2011

Today was the day of Adults!

To all those who met the age of majority, congratulations!

remember last year I went to my hometown and all the boys who met his majority greeted me.

In fact, when I was 20, did not go to the ceremony, my excuse was that he was very busy, but I really looked annoyed [NT ceremony, this ceremony the mayor tells the new kids who are adults about their responsibilities and that].

As I regretted that.

Seijin no hi.

the day that an independent person as an adult to do self-awareness.

But that's natural.

More than that I think is the day when parents and family you must thank again for having brought beautifully for 20 years.

If this year does not go, either by my own reason, to hear at least call home!

Say if only "Thank you", right?

Good luck to all new adults across the nation! Masashi Ono

Friday, January 7, 2011

Matlab Native Drivers Not Found Ds9490

Onoda Papercraft


These holidays have been the most repair, go to yes, and how no? if I've been sleeping like a bear and eating like pigs, haha. So beautiful this holiday, listening to a lot BLCD where my hubby goes (Kotonoha no Hana to Ryuu Ryuu and uuuuffff Hanayome series and more xD).

And in those times not to do I found this cute papercraft of Onoda's new single Netsuretsu ANSWER:

Here the template for doing so:

Source: 樱花 艾 之 心 [Corazon de Sakura (?)] But Tieba

ASI Y algo me quedó:

= Just exactly like

I'm too bad with crafts, or even cut lines well, hahaha.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Herpes Sore In Pubic Hair

C Happy 2011! Bonne année 2011!

Congratulations to all-all-all with the come year 2011, I wish all that we will succeed, that is conceived, all come true, that conjecture, and, in general, even today everything will be fine, but tomorrow will be better.
start the new year dancing! (I feel that this new year will be marked by neotango)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Do Pinsentry Card Readers Work

Title: Contact
Author: Romance_girl (Sweet Emotion)

437 +

Well, because of the topic? I do not remember what the hell I was thinking about NaruHina ... ah, now that Naruto had never made any "abuse" Hinata even in the anime (ie, in the saga of Bykouchou, Shino Hinata false hurt as well as in boo ; Search treasure, Kiba tells tipa "Maybe that works with Naruto, but not me" after she asked him to forgive him, the false, of course, "while the moment that Naruto was going to fly a blow to the face, rather ended up getting one of his "clone" saying what he thought when deciding hurt, etc ...); and it ended up falling into the account that in ALL the manga never had physical contact between the two = / which made me sad, because when you turn the landfill, and lacked almost kissing! ie, they hugged, they held hands, Hinata beat him (well, that does not count xD all women and they have stuck to the poor \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;), and many more ... but most of that penalties and have looked in the manga. _. ie, have always been as one meter apart while they have talked or something ... in the never, ever been touched if you want. _. The only two "possibilities" or "assumptions" that have ever played have been:

1) When Hinata handed healing ointment, possibly (possibly ) had their fingers pink:

2) When you faint in Shippuden ..., who can be charged after that?

But after that, I find no time when both were ... "Too close". _.

Now ... you say ... "Why we made this in face TT?" Well, I was almost hanged me to realize the "precise details" but then brooding and brooding, seriously trying not having spent a moment ... when I realized ... Kishimoto I thought what he did to torment CONSCIOUS only patience, but then I lit the knucklehead I have: "Naruto and Hinata are not like the rest, his scenes are particularized by the fact always settle in the emotional stage" which means in other words, none of its moments are more physically ; musicians because they do not need rosarse hands to touch their souls ...

me explain: Hinata for what it is today, followed in the footsteps of Naruto, in his psychology, and although he never laid a hand on the shoulder as a sign of support The simple fact was never giving enough to motivate them to continue their own struggle, overcome, go ahead despite what he believed the rest (in this case, his clan).

Naruto did not need a "hug and kiss" to "good luck" when he fought Neji, no, nothing like that, conversely, what was sought words to Hinata to recover minimum and force yourself not to drop the towel, to fight and win, not just for himself but also for Hinata, for pain and suffering, to protect what was left of it (to be Franks, he nearly died that day if Kabuto does not go as Superman to the rescue. _.U stupid med-ninjas of Konoha! good for nothing!).

You see now what I mean? they go beyond the physical plane, no need to touch to know that the other is there, one way or another encouraged, supports them, gives them the strength to continue.

Also another thing is that Hina acknowledged that hopelessness and frustration that had blond like her, but was deeply (and flat, lol) so desperate attempts to reach a obvjetivo in particular (in this case, become Hokage to be recognized):

... and it was then decided to set their own desire, which was (and is) to become as strong as him, and then give your subject's face of admiracióny show that he had never really been alone, and managed to get a change in another person (but, obviously, had never approached him in advance by the fact that he was not worthy of being in his presence).

Years later, what wrong? Our dear friend is represented in the figure of the white-eyes to fight against her cousin Neji, what gives himself to his whole being, and starts to really know, not Hinata's shy and reserved, but é sa girl who seeks by all means not a lot more than not being a loser, on the contrary, she wants to be noticed, stand out among the rest, as he always wanted, and realize that it was through their efforts and not his lineage that led to not give up at any time during the meeting, which was able to die in regards to your "ninja way" (not for nothing training in the field of seven he ends by saying "I like people like you" because it is like Ela this point, there is already a defeatist and was never believed, but a confident girl ; it and fight fiercely to reach its goal.)

Ojo, also here I take the fact that both are not polar opposites, as it were, would hate Naruto, and do not "like to." But then, neither here nor there, hehe

now, and ... even after thinking a lot about the subject, I discovered a passage subjective, which would be an indirect physical contact between the two ...

No, not the healing ointment ...

do you guess ...?

Exactly my love = 3 Do you remember those theories that after what he did Naruto, created a connection between them? "Why Hinata coughed blood during the meeting of the blonde with Neji? obviously, the logical and correct thing is to be accelerated so the heart was still battered by the fear and nerves came to him that bad again, but this event marked a rapprochement between the two, both physically and spiritually, because he was an oath, a promise, but she was not at that time by his side, the revenge, he would fight on their behalf, but was also body felt heavy and hot blood through his fingers, crossing the palm of your hand , And that was the closest it has been, his touch deeper, the pours of Hinata. Perhaps

us emotions with a made hand, a hug or a kiss, but the soul is full to these acts, and are much more important than anything else.

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The Reunion of Naruto and Hinata will

Title: The Reunion of Naruto and Hinata will see you
Author: DaRkStR_02 (NarutoUchiha)

441 +

Hinata's Confession

When Naruto is about to be defeated by Pein get Hinata to intervene to the evident surprise of Naruto. This prompted him to flee, but Hinata stays in place and begins to tell him everything hidden for years, his wishes for him, finishing with the legendary "I love you." So, is launched to protect against Pein Naruto. But the enemy is too powerful and Hinata fall in a matter of three pages.

Naruto shouts to stop, noting that Pein is ready to deliver the coup de grace, but Hinata is crossed by the iron of Pein. Then Naruto, overcome by grief and shock, becomes 6 tailed Kyubi and released from the irons that imprisoned him, continued the battle as a Jinchuuriki without control. ---

From here, we draw the obvious conclusion:
- If Hinata survives, you should receive an answer, or at least a thank you from Naruto. To make a long

analysis too, Hinata survives, so it is clear that there will be a reunion in which at least gives you a Naruto by Hinata.

However, I read somewhere and there such things as "no one remembers Naruto confession "or" Never give an answer. " I think they are empty arguments to deny something that, at least for me, is inevitable. I hope that with the points you give, these ewes are crushed nonsense (although this does not prevent the continued saying, make them feel better to say them: no:). I divide this analysis, guided by 3 arguments against the reunion NH:

1 .- "Naruto does not remember Hinata's confession."
2 .- "Hinata has not recurred if not appeared just after Pein saga and will not. "
3 .-" Hinata is not relevant to the plot, so no answer. "

--- 1 .- If you remember Naruto Hinata's confession:

There are two details that, however far-fetched they may seem, suggest that reminds Naruto Hinata's confession:

1 .- Chapter 441 .- After Naruto goes Kyubi mode and before-Yahiko Pein face one last time, Naruto turns to the village and asked what happened. Katsuyu (which survived the sheer guionazo corrosive Kyubi chakra: P) replied that he did Kyubi mode. In the next vignette, Naruto has a fleeting memory of seeing Hinata lying on the floor, maybe Pein view when it drove away, and fearing the possibility of having killed her and other villagers, he grabs heart with his hand. When Katsuyu says no one was hurt because of him, shed tears of relief ...

- Naruto Hinata still remembers when he was in Kyuubi mode.
- Worries about the fate it.
- The blond Hinata priority over the village.
- Shed tears of relief that is safe (she and the village, go).

The key is, that if Naruto had not remembered what happened before and during his time, "Fox desbocao" Hinata had not mentioned. Her tears of relief denote appreciation, and this appreciation can come from your own confession.

2 .- .- Chapter 457 is a test of a single bullet, when Naruto has a flashback of his colleagues and friends, when referring to that if they kill Sasuke, beginning a cycle of hatred and revenge. Hinata is in the foreground next to Sakura and Shikamaru, and coincidentally they are the characters of his age who has had more contact, and when she usually went away from Naruto in flashbacks of that type (such as that of [ b] Narutero [/ b]).

- Hinata in the foreground with people important to Naruto and Shikamaru and Sakura, concluding that it increased its importance since the confession.

Under these two assumptions, I conclude this point by saying that she remembers Naruto Hinata's confession . Now on to the next point ---

2 .- The absence of Hinata scene after Pein saga :

bet the computer where I'm typing so many have noticed the Hinata's absence, even after such an event as was his confession. For this I have no logical explanation based on the manga, but a guess:

- Kishimoto is waiting to reveal the true feelings of Sakura .- Do not see much sense that Kishi had been forgotten about the reunion, until chapters later Sakura was to talk to Naruto after the now famous Sai input as a third of NaruSaku. Then it follows that reveal Kishimoto Sakura's feelings BEFORE meeting between Naruto and Hinata, to leave no doubt that the main couple NaruHina would be chosen by the mangaka.

Until now, the assumption seems correct, as we have gradually seen the mouths of various characters the possible feelings of Sakura. So at this point conclude that Hinata will not appear on the scene to confirm that Sakura who really loves . ---

3 .- "The relevance of Hinata does not matter"

also try that tired argument so repetitive, "Hinata is not relevant to the plot, so it will not receive a response or reunion." My argument to this:

- And? - Relevance has nothing to do with the pairings, which is a secondary issue Pein saga proved it. In fact, it is even better than Hinata is not relevant, because then the pairing is not entangled with the plot, as has happened with the NS case. Ignore that is stubborn.

quickly concluded: Hinata receive a response, regardless of its relevance . ---

After outlining these three points summarize:

1 .- "Naruto does not remember Hinata's confession."
does remember Naruto Hinata's confession.
2 .- "Hinata has not come back, if not answered immediately after the Pein saga and will not."
Sakura appears to confirm a Who really loves (high probability that is Sasuke.)
3 .- "Hinata is not relevant to the plot, so no answer."
Hinata receive a response, regardless of its relevance.


possible reasons against it, concluded that definitely be a reunion between her and Naruto after the destruction of NaruSaku. What might happen in that encounter I leave to the imagination.