Thursday, February 24, 2011

Smtp;554 Message Not Allowed

DABA 25 - February-2011

I remember that these "translations" are simply my interpretation of what he says Ono D, I have the necessary level of Japanese to fully understand everything he says, so I'm always searching for meaning of all words, but if anything I can give you an idea of what it means, are free to continue reading. =)

アニサマ in Shanghai 上海

語り 尽くせない ほど いろんな 人 の 思い が 詰まった 公演 でした.
I have nothing further to say that I was filled with thoughts of several people in the presentation.
(refers to packets received many letters, gifts and other of the Chinese fans)

空港 を でた 瞬間 から 『』 『D オノ もす!』 の 声 に 感動. みんな 日本語 が 上手!
Seconds after leaving the airport I was impressed to hear "Onoda," Mosuo. " ¡Tod @ s son tan buenos en japonés!

Teru Mon wish me to write in Japanese or always receive your letter. Marsha interpreter (taken care of now!) I'll remember to look at [Japanese animation] heard and touched.
Cada vez que recibía cartas escritas en Japanese. Maasho, my interpreter (I really appreciate all your help and kindness!) said he saw japonésy anime reminded me and moved me.

気温 は 4 ℃ くらい.
air temperature was 4 ° C less

人 も 街 も とにかく 熱かった. 温かかった.
Anyway, everyone in the town was warm. Afectuosa.



voice our nations,'m connecting to people. There is a wall and I have not felt in the skin.
Nuestra voz conecta a país en país, de persona a persona. Por experiencia sé que esa barrera no existe.

Syanhai Thanks.
Gracias Shanghai.

谢谢 大家! 多谢 大家! [Xiexie Dajie! Dajie Duōxiè!]
Thanks! Many, thank you very much!我 爱 上海

! [Ai Wǒ shànghǎi]
I love Shanghai!また 会いましょう

We see!

小野 大輔 より
From Ono Daisuke.


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